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3 steps to a healed heart*

My connect group in college

1. Acknowledge the pain.

Write about it, cry it out. Find a way that works for YOU to express the pain.

Be completely honest with yourself.

- Some people like to go to the beach, travel and "escape".

- Cry into a pillow. Scream. Let it out (have a friend with you to make sure you're safe).

- I have a friend who listens to heavy rock music.

- I know some people like to eat tubs of ice cream and cookies, but, let's limit that.

I like to write- attempt to write a song, write in a blog, sometimes I write a story of a girl in a similar scenario and describe the characters, describe the feelings of the main character and what happened as a result of that. I write it out, and because it's 100% honest, it's a place no one else can read it and that's okay.

-- Got more ideas? Let me know how YOU acknowledge the pain in the comments below.

2. Look up.

Love, He has never changed.

What people have done to you, it didn't change Who God was.

Sometimes we fight with the idea of Why did He allow it, but perhaps instead, we should fight with the question of "Who is He?" and search His Word for truth and you will find that He is faithful.

That before you ask any more questions on "why did it happen?"

Recognise the truth:

God is good. He is with you. He has never let you go. He is for you. He loves you. He cares about every detail of your life. He gave His life for you, so that you can be made whole, made perfect in His sight. God is good. He is with you. He has never let you go. He is for you. He loves you. He cares about every detail of your life. He gave His life for you, so that you can be made whole, made perfect in His sight.

Come child. He is calling. His voice echoes.. His voice is kind, it's not to condemn, it is to build. His voice is gentle, it doesn't force, it beckons. His arms, wide open. It's not a matter of what you've done for His invitation is still open. His front door was always open, waiting for you to come back, come back and be His, come back and let Him love you- clothe you in His righteousness and heal your broken heart.

because love, only the owner knows how to fix His creation.

Only Jesus can heal your broken heart.

3. Breathe. Let Him in.

Let Him heal your heart.

Let go.

Tell yourself it is okay, because it is.

It's going to be okay.

You're safe now.

Invite Him in, let Him change your thoughts, your heart, your soul.

Let Him rewire the system, let Him replace the burnt circuits, let Him remould the pieces.

He still heals. He still loves. He still helps us.

He is here, He is there with you, He has never left.

*terms and conditions

1. Time may vary

2. Better together- find a connect group and a church

3. Check this message by Steven Furtick out!! : 3 Habits of a healthy heart.. Soooo good!

hat can help you

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